1. Glenn Beck.
Oh Glenn, where do we begin? Devising a strategy for attacking Glenn Beck is a challenge. Very few people have ever been quite so vile in quite so many ways. I'll take the cherry-picking approach, thank you.
'Glenn Beck likens Norwegian dead to Hitler Youth'.Oh Glenn...who else hear the words 'Summer Camp' and automatically jumps to the Hitler Youth? Who? Really, I'm genuinely interested. Who? Ok, so it was a politically orientated Summer Camp. It was organised by that great enemy to civilisation, the Left. But was it in any way similar to the Hitler Youth? No. Not in any way. But Glenn...you made the connection. I wonder why... Maybe it's because you just wish you could have grown up in 1930s Germany. And I sympathise, Glenn, I really do. There are plenty of times in the past that I kinda wish I could go back to and relive my own youth in a different circumstance. San Fransisco in the late 60s perhaps. Chicago in the early days of House music. Paris...the list goes on. For you Glenn, maybe Germany in the 1930s. You probably feel unappreciated in your time. Even Fox, who will give the name 'news' to pretty much any shit that comes out of a right wing arsehole, gave you the boot. You're reduced to radio, like that other shit-spewing arsehole Rush Limbaugh. You're a voice in the ear now; like a wasp. Like an irritating buzzing wasp just flying around getting angrier and angrier going more and more insane. Someday you'll get fired from your radio show and then you'll really be fucked. You've even managed to piss off the Tea Party Movement (henceforth TPM) and they're pretty fucking out there. And how come they're pissed at you? Even after you held a rally for them, supported their brand of insanity publicly and privately...how did you fuck that up? Well, you said that those Norwegian kids who were brutally and senselessly murdered by an individual who aside from the fact that he was born in Norway instead of America is pretty much Glenn Beck v.2.0, reminded you of the Nazi Youth. And your TPM also happen to have similar ultra-right wing Conservative hyper-Christian indoctrination camps of their own. So what happened was, you accidentally drew attention not only to the now obvious fact that you're a truly hideous human being, but also to the fact that your beloved TPM is pretty much doing the exact thing you accused the Norwegians of doing.
Well fucking done Glenn Beck.
2. Melanie Phillips.
Yeah, she's the English Glenn Beck. She's like what you would end up with if you managed to accumulate and distill all the hate and bile in the world and then fuse that with a human embryo and have it be born and then give it a pen and tell it get writing, because hate speech just doesn't write itself (that is it didn't until the News of the World phone-hack random story generator machine was invented). This woman hates gay people. She hates Arabs. She hates the NHS. She hates Barack Obama. If she weren't so prominent, she'd be a humourous parody of the political and social Right, but sadly, she is a newspaper columnist and author. People who for whatever reason don't know any better actually buy into the toxic crap that seeps out the moral wound that is her, figurative, mouth. She is like gangrene. A flesh eating bacterial infection in British print journalism. She even hates the Archbishop of Canterbury. The only people she likes are Jews. Now, obviously there's nothing wrong with liking Jewish people. Unless they're twats, in which case, it's perfectly fine not to like them. So allow me to rephrase. She doesn't so much like Jewish people as reserve the most poisonous of her toxic comment, the most bitter of her hatred, for anyone (and I mean anyone
I've singled out these two people because they fucking deserve it. They have no concept of the fact that the work that they are doing is acting to bring about hatred, war, suffering, injustice, intolerance, violence, abuse and just all the general non-specific shit of humanity. They don't seem to care that in a room full of reasonable people talking quietly amongst themselves, they're the ones naked, screaming, rubbing themselves in their own shit and scrawling "THE END IS NIGH" and "REPENT" on the walls. It reminds me of the scene towards the end of David Fincher's Se7en. Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey are all in the car driving to the scene of the film's climax. Brad Pitt asks Kevin Spacey if, in a moment of clarity, he ever stops to notice just how crazy he actually is. To me, that is the voice of the sane Left. We're just amazed at how insane the Right actually is. And yes, sometimes it is horrifying. It's horrifying when Melanie Phillips spits hateful bile over the corpse of Steven Gately. It's horrifying when Glenn Beck spits hateful bile over the corpses of innocent Norwegian children. It's horrifying Sarah Palin incited the attempted assassination of a fellow politician. You know, the list goes on.
In my brighter moments, when the world and everything in it takes a break from weighing me down, I can just about make out a glimmer of hope somewhere on the horizon. I can imagine, if I try really hard, a future where the sane people win and the Glenn Becks and the Melanie Phillipses of this world are given a pleasant space with a soap box in it and they're allowed to shout their madness for all the passers-by to ignore. And no one shoots innocent children and no one commits heinous genocide. And then, the clouds erase that hope and reality comes crushing down and I realise that the Right will win. Insanity will always triumph over sanity becasue where we sit and debate and discuss they just go out and do. And what do they do? They blow shit up. They shoot people. They don't even care who they're shooting, or who they're blowing up because other insane people are allowed to occupy prominent positions in the media so that they can turn whatever's going on into a rallying cry in support of it, but also, paradoxically, in condemnation of it. It's all a bit confusing, but they don't mind, because they're mad.